Yes, I know….

But I started doing laundry and it’s my bed sheets, so I kind of have to wait. In the mean time I found this trailer. It looks like New Line Cinema is jumping on the band wagon of success left behind from The Passion of the Christ. In fact the new film which is based on the journey of Mary and Josephs track to Bethlehem is due for release…this december. The new film is called “The Nativity Story.” Looks fairly interesting. There is a featurette that goes along with this and I’ll post that later. It just gives detail for the nay sayers who might not see it being correct. So, here it is.

Phrase usage and what it means…well, to me anyway.

So I was out and about yesterday and was able to go to the going away party for steven. I was wearing one of my many clever text t-shirts while at the party. A person who I know very well and has seen this shirt many times made this decision about the text my shirt said.

Text on the shirt: “Trust me. I do this all the time.”

Person says: “You know Charlie, that shirt comes off has having a sexual conotation.”

I say: “Bwhahahahaha……What?”

Person that is in a relationship with the other says (probably because they didn’t want to disagree with their significant other): “Yeah, it really does say that. I can see it.”

I say: (jokingly) “You guys are sick.”

I say: “Sorry, I don’t connect it with things like that.”

So in my reasoning, for all areas of logic, the shirt holds no specific meaning to me. And even I where to put something behind it, my first and probably only reaction to the text would be translated this way: Whatever I happen to be doing at the current time while wearing that shirt, you should trust me, I do this all the time. In the logic of it being funny and not intending sexual meaning, nor do I or the shirt imply that. Implication clearly came from that persons first point of view, which was way wrong.

But if anybody else sees that by all means tell me if that would be your first perception. But because it wasn’t mine doesn’t mean I’ll stop wearing it. My foot is down!

In other news….I have a wicked piece of something in my eye from working on my car that’s driving me nuts. If it’s rust, is that a bad thing. I wouldn’t want to think it is.

If you plan on seeing Superman Returns anytime, get there before the previews start. The first preview in the line up is the new Spider-Man 3 teaser or you can just download it too. I almost about crapped my pants when it came on. We barely get a glimpse of Venmon and a pretty good shot of Sandman and the new Green Goblin. Worth seeing.

I have come to grips with something I haven’t wanted to admit for awhile. It is clear I have a spending addiction. I’m a impulse buyer. There is a woman buried deep inside of me that is feeding off my wallet and debit card*. So I am starting a new discipline. Any cash and my debit card must only be used for paying the phone bill, gas and working out at the Rec center. Sounds simple but this actually very hard for me. I also want to limit my usage on the internet because I am abusing it and using it for all the wrong reasons and it is a huge time waster. So each time I post within my guidelines for how long I set my internet time, as to keep myself accountable with those of you small group, I put up a schedule of things I want to accomplish that day and have accomplished. I think it would be good for me anyway.

Things to accomplish

June 29th, 2006



[] Get up before 10:00am

[] Get showered and dressed before 12:00pm

[x] Start putting new parts on car

[] Walk outside for 15min or more

[] Go to Recreation Center

[] Read one chapter of the Bible

[] Use the internet for 2 hours or less

[] Read an actual book (other than the Bible)

[] Make an attempt to clean the room

[] Get to bed before 11:00pm

So in future postings, I’ll post one like this before and the completed one after each post. I’ll probably add more or take away considering whats going on, but this is a good starting list. The things on the list now I’ll report on later, as it is only 9:44pm.

*indicates that not all women are big spenders and the comment is not meant to be offensive.  Even now it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense why I said there is a spending woman inside of me, but it will probably make sense later on.

The rabbits are chasing you, charlie

Wow, haven’t updated in awhile. Just been real busy. OK that was a lie, I just didn’t want to update. Been trying to limit my internet consumption, all these mega bytes are going to my hips.

So I had this weird dream last night, with the sleep I actually got, and I was running around all over the place. I didn’t know the exact plot of the dream, all I could really understand is that I couldn’t walk only run, but I never got tierd. I would run from the church to flatirons mall and then I ran through small group during the study and I fell down because I stopped. And then it turns into one of those dreams where you can’t move your entire body. So as I laid there, small group just went on with there bible study and the all of the sudden legit is sitting on my chest. The Bekah says to me, “The rabbits are chasing you, charlie.” Then legit gets off and I am able to run again and Camille says, “Yeah, you really need to run.” The last I remember is being back at the church in one of the bathrooms trying to keep the door closed as all these rabbits are trying to come in.

Than has this ever happend to you? I try to get myself awake, kicking myself or trying to rollover and your in that state of not so full awareness. My eyes barely open as I can tell I can’t move my body yet and I see at the end of my bed this rabbit sitting there looking at me and it says to me, “Got ya.” Needless to say I almost threw myself out of bed. Than you have that moment to decied what is reality and dream. So that was a little to real for me.

Well don’t have much more then that for an update. Steven Siedel has his going away party at 5pm at webster lake if you can come.

Finally, it works!!

Yes!!!!! I have wanted to show this for so long, but did not have the tech smarts to pull it off.

Here it is! My teaser trailer for the current play trilogy I'm writting. Enjoy!

Another day, another week

I finally got to bed at a decent hour last night…2:30am….better then 5:00am which I have been averaging. I wanted to post this really funny spoof trailer today, but darn it, thay had to throw in a really bad word. It was “The 10 Commadments” meets “10 Things I hate About You” which gave it a clever name “10 Things I Hate About Commandments.” It was a very funny trailer, but alas I will not post. But here is the link if you wish to see it. It’s the thrid one down from the top. I’m not posting it on the page so it doesn’t make people inadvertantly play it but they have the choice to go to it and I am ok with mild langauge but I just don’t want this on my page. 

Rented a couple of games last night as well. “The Godfather” and “Hitman: Contracts.” Godfather has turned out surrprisingly well. It’s a mission based and also ranking game that lets you move from story missions to non story missions in a free roaming enviroment. I’m a sucker for the free roaming games. This is actually the first free roaming game I’ve liked so far. Spider-Man 2 was alright, but the non story missions just repeating themselves. Pick up Godfather if you want, pretty fun so far. Haven’t started Hitman yet. I reallu wanted to start from the beginning of the series. The first game was released on PC and I can’t find it anywhere, so the Xbox release will have to suffice.

LEGIT: Heres the deal with me going camping. I am suppose to get a call from Khols for an interview this wednesday. It is possible they may hire me on the spot, if that’s the case I will quit Westminster, becausing their calling me again for more work, and I’ll take the posistion with Khols. So I am a very tiny maybe for the trip. If I get hired and whatever they give me for a schedule, staying through the weekend may not work. So I’ll let you know as so as I know.

Well that’s it for this day’s edition, Charlie out!   

Funny commericals time harharharharharhar

Funny Chinese (Japanese? Lee?) KFC commerical. I just like how the lady at the end hits this guy.

Euro football commerical of a guy punting a dog. Might be offense or terribly funny.

On of my favs. “What are you sinking about?”

And this is just hilarious. It’s not a commerical, but a creatively done Halo spoof.

So, a tech question for those that can answer it

So I recently burned a CD on to my desktop pc which it converted the files to .cda format. I couldn't get the Itunes on that machine to work. I then transfered them to my flash drive and they came over on to my laptop as .cda, no surrprise there. But Itunes on my laptop is having trouble playing .cda files. Does anybody know how to convert the files on the flash drive (there also on my desktop) from .cda to .mp3? Every single player I have can't play them. Any ideas or thoughts? Thanks!

Pay no attention to the post below behind the curtain!

Okay, so the previous post was a mulligan. There will still be some sucky stuff this week and there has been. But I just spent the last hour and a half out in my backyard with my parents around our fire pit (I know thats amazing! A fire pit!) So that was good.

But it is what I am going to head into next that has sent my engergy through the roof!

This appeared on Fox News, whom haven't been the shinning star of broadcast journalisim, but I was rather surrprised when I saw this. Someone at Fox actually has a conscience. Below is a video of a interview from Fox by reporter Julie Banderas. The interview is being focused on non other than Shirley Phelps-Roper, the wife of the "God hates fags" pastor and founder of the Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps. These two have been the proprietors of such protests like "God hates fags", "God hates America" and pretty much anything else that attributes hate to God. So Julie Banderas has the wounderful job of interviewing this women and her recent protest at a Marines funeral. Julie throws the script out on this video interview and just lays into this women. This video might be offense to some, there are bad words used but used in context, I think. Heres the video and the following story.

Pretty heated, huh?

Here are the story that are the reasons for this.

GREENBELT, Md. — The father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by anti-gay protesters from a fundamentalist Kansas church filed an invasion-of-privacy suit against the demonstrators Monday.

It is believed to be the first lawsuit brought by a serviceman's family against Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., whose members routinely demonstrate at military funerals around the country.

Albert Snyder of York, Pa., the father of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, is seeking unspecified damages. The younger Snyder, 20, died March 3 after an accident in the Anbar province of Iraq. He was buried in Westminster, Md.

"We think it's a case we can win because anyone's funeral is private," Albert Snyder's lawyer Sean Summers said. "You don't have a right to interrupt someone's private funeral."

After filing the suit, Snyder said at a news conference that he hoped a hefty judgment would leave the church members unable to afford travel for more protests.

"I want it to stop," he said of the protests. "I didn't know there were people in the world who did that."

Members of Westboro say the military deaths in Iraq are God's punishment for America's tolerance of gays. They typically carry signs with slogans such as "God Hates Fags" and "Thank God for IEDs," a reference to the roadside bombs used by insurgents.

The church has inspired dozens of state laws banning funeral protests, including a Maryland law that did not go into effect until after Snyder's memorial.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a spokeswoman for the small congregation, said it is the first time Westboro has been sued by a soldier's family.

"We were exercising our First Amendment rights," she said.

Persecution may not be coming in the form of having to chose Christ or life, but I believe without a doubt this will be number one of those that see this type of stuff to hate Christians. I do not comend either one of these people for what they did and how they handled themselves. It is very clear that the Mrs. Phelps has gravely missinterepted the word of God.

And this is what Leviticus 19:17-18 says: 17 " 'Do not hate your brother in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in his guilt.

18 " 'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.

Now I'm not going to try and find what this means in fear of messing it up so anyone else is welcome to give their view.

This truly just angers me. And homosexuality isn't even the issue for me with these people. The issue for me is that they take sin of it and automatically make it the worst thing you could possibly do. There putting levels of severity on sin. Correct me if I'm worng, but isn't all sin disgusting in the eyes of God? What brass this women has to be the one who thinks she has God all figured out. I grow greatly tired everytime I hear of these protests. What a great way to drag God through the mud and to top it all off by saying that He told you to do it. Is not God slow to anger and abounding in love? Is He not mericiful and willing to unconditionally forgive us, we who are so undeserving of it? Phelps must learn a powerful truth. She is not God. We are not God, and thank God that we are not! To boldy say that America's problems are all due to the reason that God simply just hates us is just asking for the lightning rod. Yes America has done bad things and bad things have happened to her. But why should it stop there? Why is homosexuality so much more of a reason to hate us than lying? Or stealing? Or any sin for that matter? I have done more than enough to be fully engulfed in the powerful wrath that God does have, yet I still stand. Why? Because He gave us the capicity to know we need Him. Sin as we always will, God will always be there.

It is very hard for me to have compassion for the Phelps clan and those like-minded. I to have to admit that I am at times uncomfortable with homosexuals. But this does not mean that I stand above them in perfection because my sins are much lesser then theres. No way buddy. I'm in the same boat with them when it comes to the sin department. There is no greater or lesser sins in my belief. In that case Christ's death would have been pointless. Because if what Phelps says is true, then the moment a man or a woman says I'm gay, there damned forever. Then she is saying that not even God has the ability to save them. Number two reason for the lightning rod.

Evil is an inherent part of humanity and it needs no furtherence from higher powers to inflict pain on those who don't deserve it. When I read and try to understand the character and attributes of God, I don't see Him throwing out His rage because His children fall down. My love for Him is out of my fear and respect for Him. This would turn into scared crappless fear with no love. I believe God punishes, I believe there is discipline and this I believe is to show us He loves us. I have felt these things first hand. There are times when we love our sin and there are even more times when we hate it and wish we could just kill it and the guilt is unbelievable. The things that happen to us as a nation I cannot say that it did or did not come from God. What we must be concernd with, and Mrs. Phelps I hope your listening, is those around us and ourselves.

Matthew 7:3

3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

That rings louder for some reason.

I want to be a person that can say that I am striving to do what God wants me to do and be a person that helps those either in my situation or another. Matthew plainly says we must stop condeming the sin in others when our bodies are filled to brim with it.

So all of this was to say those of you out there, that I do not comend what Phelps and those like them say. God is a God of love and forgiveness and His Sons blood gives testiment to that and I believe fully in my heart, mind and soul that is the truth. Sin has only one cure and that doesn't come from the mouths of fundalmentalist bigots with picket signs. These people are mislead and have distorted the truth for themselves. Sins cure is Jesus. Homosexuals, liars, stealers, pornography viewers, all the like must come to Jesus. And you'll never hear God say, "I hate you." "I love you, I love you, I love you." You'll never hear the end of that one!

Yup super long post, but it had to be said. Anyway, see you guys later.

Not much

Yea, short post. At work now and very busy. This week is turning out to be pretty bad. Please pray for strength, paitence and stabilty and I don't even know I spelled those words right but I really don't care, I'm just very drained for some reason. Anyway, yea…

I was in the future it was to late to R.S.V.P.

Oh man. Here lies GVOD may it rest in peace. Logged on 10-02-05 logged off 06-08-06.

So the above saying in the title is from Aqua Teen Hunger Force which I have been watching to of lately, maybe I'll post the episode if I can find it.

So I saw The Omen this afternoon. Really good I thought. I previously saw the original and it was like watching an exact copy. Probably the best true to script and story of a remake I have seen so far.

I'm at my Grandma's house in Greeley right now, bumming off her awesome internet. Well see you guys tomorrow!

CAUTION: Contains mild cussing, cartoon violence and vomit, crazy robot bunny, a worm wearing a diaper and slavery.

Heres the ATHF episode, pretty funny I think. These are all the villains from the show that are meeting to try and destroy the Aqua Teens!!! (thunder and lightning).